- BugPoison
- Catch
- 75 — ×6 (10%)
- At Full HP
- ×11 (9.8%)
- ×7 (14.71%)
- ×6 (19.61%)
- Gender
50% ♂
50% ♀
- Eggs
- Bug
- Size
- 4′ 11″ | 27.6 lbs.
- × 2
- FireFlyingPsychicRock
- × 1
- NormalWaterElectricIceGroundGhostDragonDarkSteel
- × ½
- PoisonBugFairy
- × ¼
- GrassFighting
- Ability
- Secondary move effects
- HP
- 70
- Attack
- 65
- Defense
- 60
- Sp. Attack
- 90
- Sp. Defense
- 75
- Speed
- 90
- Shield Dust
- Damaging moves with status ailment or stat reduction will only cause damage.
- Tinted Lens
- Moves that are not effective deal double damage.
- Wonder Skin
- Moves which inflict a status condition and deal no damage will be half as likely to take effect.